Caitlin Clark is Not a Bitch

I am not a sports person. Generally speaking I have no idea what any team is doing anywhere at any time. Caitlin Clark makes it onto my radar because she is an emblem of change, the maturation of women’s sports and the ability of women to be well paid sports stars coming to fruition. I believe it is a good thing, a very important milestone in human history.

Currently we have an insult hurled casually at this symbol of women’s advancement. The phrase in question is “A White Bitch.” Pat McAfee went there. He has since sort of, kind of, maybe apologized. I am very unimpressed. In the course of being on television and being a commentator, there is always the possibility of saying the wrong thing. It’s a fast medium that revels in word play. So, I expect the foolish and irresponsible to be said from time to time with the provision in mind that ladies and gentlemen can err but must take responsibility for their mistakes and learn from them.

McAfee should sincerely apologize. He was wrong.

I have to say that we are in new territory here. I was a very young man when people like Muhammed Ali shot across the sky of sports and changed everything. There was a massive amount of controversy in that era and he was just one of many trailblazers in sports. This is a similar situation. Boundaries are being adjusted and the world is changing before our eyes. For many people, this is difficult.

It is a good thing but the ancient customs of civility and kindness must hold. We are not savages. We cannot and must not say whatever we feel for we are not children. We should say what is appropriate and kind with the intent of bettering and adding to what is known. That is true commentary.

Sports commentary should add to our understanding, not pretend to be shock jocks on talk radio. This is multi-billion dollar industry with many, many implications for our larger culture and in particular how we raise and nurture children. “A White Bitch” is not a phrase we should casually throw out for its momentary shock value. We have a better culture than that.

James Alan Pilant

One thought on “Caitlin Clark is Not a Bitch

  1. Steven Mintz

    For me, this incident shows why some sports commentators say something first and think about it later. The key to ethical behavior is to consider the consequences of your actions before you say or do something stupid. It’s also worth noting the classy response by Clark: ” He [McAfee] added that there was no bad blood and that Clark indicated that she “appreciates” him reaching out to her.” I think we have a lot of jealousy in the WNBA. Clark is getting more attention than all the other players combined. No doubt, it is for what she accomplished at the U of Iowa. However, I also believe it’s because she is white and white superstars in the NBA and WNBA are rarities these days.


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